From Farmer to You

Community-supported agriculture (CSA) connects local farmers directly with consumers in a mutually beneficial relationship. Consumers buy a share of a local farm’s harvest at the beginning of the growing season, providing the farmer with a guaranteed market for their harvest and the buyer with a guaranteed box of fresh, locally grown produce and/or meat.

Making high-quality, local, and sustainable food available to everyone is our mission, and community-supported agriculture is one way we make our mission a reality. At The Good Shepherds, we offer CSA year-round, featuring humanely raised beef products and other seasonal produce throughout the spring, summer, and fall.

Why Join The Good Shepherds CSA?

Direct Access to Fresh, High-Quality Food Products
Members receive fresh beef and seasonal produce directly from a local source
Support Local Farmers & Sustainable Practices
Buying directly ensures that local farmers are supported and the supply chain is shorter, reducing the overall carbon footprint
Three Membership Tiers to Support Every Level of Need
We offer weekly, monthly, and seasonal shares, as well as the opportunity to purchase whole, half, or quarter cows
Membership Exclusives
Access to individual cuts and certain produce, plus the ability to customize boxes with products that match their subscription tier
Help Everyone Eat Better
As a 501(c)(3) organization, our mission is built on providing high-quality, local, and sustainably raised food, then leveraging the proceeds to partner with not-for-profit food organizations to fund meals for those in need

Our Products

Available Year-Round
Humanely Raised Black Angus & Piedmontese Beef
Seasonal Produce
Figs, Strawberries, Kale, Dill, Flowers

Which CSA Membership would you like to subscribe to?

Bundle 1

Price: $150/month

5lbs, twice a month. Always included 2 lbs of ground beef, with the rest an appropriate assortment of roasts, steaks, and other cuts.

Bundle 2

Price: $300/month

10lbs, twice a month. Always including 3-4 lbs of ground beef, with the rest an appropriate assortment of roasts, steaks, and other cuts as well.

Bundle 3
To be announced when available.


Delivery & Pickup Options

Members can choose to receive their TGS box via pickup or delivery. Please inquire to learn more about available delivery options.


Contact & Support

Have additional questions or need help? Contact The Good Shepherds for support.

Apply to join The Good Shepherds' CSA today.